Wednesday, December 10, 2008

The Hickory Christmas Shuffle

So I am not quite sure what I have gotten myself into!!! Every year my office had chosen to forgo gifts to each other in lieu of adopting 3 or 4 families (single moms/dads with 2 or 3 kids each). Well this year the organizations I touch base with regarding this matter sent me an overwhelming about of families meeting our qualifications; 18 families; 48 children! Since neither my office or myself personally is able to adopt this many children I got the word out to my many gracious friends and have gotten all 18 families adopted!
This is great right?!? Well I thought it would be - until all the gifts (wrapped and addressed TO: CHILD'S NAME, FROM: SANTA) started arriving!! My goodness, where in the world am I going to put all of these gifts until it is time to deliver them!?!?
Geez...I think I have my work cut out for me these next two weeks between work itself, work parties, social parties, hair appointments, shopping trips outta town for those special gifts, delivering presents for 18 families, wrapping my gifts for others, praying for a white christmas, baking and completing my plans for Christmas dinner/breakfast!!! I think I shall name these next two weeks the Hickory Christmas Shuffle!!!
Merry Christmas Everyone!